Books are not just a bunch of pages strapped together

King Red
3 min readMar 27, 2021

Reading a book manually is a great way of spending time off screens in this digital era where almost everything in our daily lives is done on screens from education to socializing to entertainment. Reading can be just as entertaining as playing the latest video game or watching a cool video.

Same as many others in this busy life the only time I can find to read is before bed (I do find more to read during the holidays sometime even spending more than 3 hours a day reading books), it has been proven that reading before bed not only helps lower your stress from the day’s work but it also helps you have a good sleep making you fresher next morning.

Generally, as children start going to high school they tend to read less and less because they are so busy and want to spend all their free time on social media, and other screens activities. This habits pass on through their adult years as they don’t anymore see reading as important and as a kid’s thing to do. This means after a particularly hard day at school or work they sleep stresses and don’t get a good enough sleep making them even more stressed in the morning.

Dylan Thomas’s poem- “Notes On The Art Of Poetry” is a great way of describing the contents of a books which take us on so many different journeys to different places in the world real or not.

I more of a fiction person, I usually prefer to read chapter books (fantasy novels, adventure books) or short stories, every night before sleeping I read a chapter or a short story before sleeping that has become a habit now. I am planning to read The Maze Runner next it was suggested to me be a friend.

If I were ever to be stranded on a desert islands I would choose to have the following books with me.

  1. Hunger Games Series. By Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games is a futuristic book about survival. The protagonist Katniss Everdeen is forced to participate in a battle of survival which continue until there is only one survivor alive out of the 24 teenagers who start it.

2. The worst-case scenario survival handbook: expert advice for extreme situations. By Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht

I would like to take this book with me to survive in the most extreme situations.

3. The entire series of Children of the lamp. By P.B. Kerr

This is one of my personal favorite books to read before sleep.

4. War without mercy-Race and power in the Pacific War. By John Dover

Winner of the national book critics circle award. This book is about World War 2. One of the few non-fiction topics I enjoy reading about.

